Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Why this picture isn't funny
A. That's NOT funny!
Nor is this photo of Tiger Woods. Imagine for a moment if it was the other way around. There would be uproar. But its OK to joke about a man being beaten. No it isn't.
Yes, but he's a philanderer, you may say. Who knows the truth? Relationship professionals know that 'cheating', adultery, call it what you like is never the cause of a relationship problem, its invariably one of the symptoms.
This is not to say that cheating is ever a good thing. But here is a well-written, Huffington Post article "Tiger Woods: Predator or Prey" by Debbie Ford on the type of women who have come forward to tell the world of their 'relationship' with Tiger Woods.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Thankfully she was found out
One of the comments to this article is worthy of being included here.
"It is often said that today's radical feminists are trying to roll back the clock to an era when frail women had to be protected from the harsh world and the natural predatory inclinations of men. That is only partly true. What the radical feminists want is the traditional special protections women had in more paternalistic days plus all the rights that they have gained in the quest for equality with men. Their effort to abolish male privilege while preserving and expanding female privilege is likely to create the very backlash feminists fear. Moreover, most women do not want their brothers, husbands, or sons to live under a legal system that presumes them guilty; nor do they believe that sex is rape, freedom is a male plot, and an abused woman can be her own judge, jury, and executioner." Well said bn harper.
However, its fascinating to read through various other comments from women who attack bn harper (who is probably a guy, but could be a woman) for stating his views. And doing what so many dangerous women do - they try to change the subject.
Bibi Giles withdrew her case when her own former GP threatened to tell the court that she pestered him for sex. Angus Thomson, a good man by all accounts, could have been ruined by her antics. Society needs to protect all victims of dangerous people. That includes innocent men.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
A journalist's response to the 'Due Diligence Checklist'
Your due diligence form will certainly be a talking point and I’d be very happy to run it any time ..... although I can see why you would prefer to hold it for use from February 1.
To be absolutely honest I could hardly read the press release as I have a great friend who seems to be in just the pickle you are trying to avoid.
I don’t think anything in the world would have stopped him moving in with this person. His nature is very supportive and optimistic and he so wanted to support his partner who is very insecure and needy.
None of his freinds could imagine why they were getting together. I knew the sad and poignant background and supported him (not that it was my place to judge or argue anyway.)
Since then he has been subjected to almost daily abuse, which on one or two occasions has been physical. His partner also drinks far too much – something neither he nor any of us were aware of – and clearly needs help. I have suggested to him that they go to Relate, but she will not go. It is a tragedy.
Friday, 11 December 2009
I am REALLY a feminist
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
In the interests of 'fairness'
In the interests of 'fairness' you might like to read it and make up your own mind about its accuracy and the motives or agenda of the person/people who have contributed to it.
Scroll down to the section
"Dangerous nutty bitchez"
The 'author' has copied and pasted vast tracts of text from my business website (without permission of course) and then uses it to make various snide, sarcastic and hateful comments about me. It makes for interesting reading. Does it say FAR more about the writer than it does about me?Then click on the 'comments' button to read more of the same. This one caught my attention because they directed their hatred and viciousness on my co-author Mary Cleary too.
"Oh, my journalist partner got a review copy of the original ‘That Bitch!’ version of this book. It was so hilarious I used to get it out when my friends came round. I wish I could remember some of our favourite quotes – it was truly Olympian in its patheticness.
I was surprised to see a woman had co-authored it, until I read the blurb and noted that she was one of the sub-set of Irish Catholic women that equates piety with some of the bitterest misogyny you’ll ever see."
The quote above is a perfect example of what Mary and I have written about; vindictive, poisonous, untrue and abusive behaviour by some women. Thank you girls.
Mary has been helping innocent male victims of domestic violence at Amen (www.Amen.ie) for the past 12 years. She's a remarkable woman. I am in awe of what she has done. I will always remember meeting a woman in Dublin who had a brother who was helped by Amen. She said "In our household, we thank God for Amen. Amen saved by brother's life."
Bristol 'Beauties' Turn Ugly
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
A case for a 'Pre-Marriage Due Diligence' Checklist
Its equally applicable to men and women.
I've just commissioned some fascinating research on the subject. It will be released in the coming weeks/months. In the meantime, here's a response from a man who downloaded a copy of the due diligence checklist from the www.dangerouswomen.co.uk website. Its free.
"I am currently planning to leave my wife of 5 years because of some really bad stuff that's gone down. Long story short, I started to make my own "due-diligence" list because there were so many warning signs with her that she never told me about:• Hurting Yourself (she was a cutter and never told me)
• Clinical Depression and Taking Anti-Depressants
• Having Bulimia, Anorexia, etc
• Her Parents Terrible Relationship, how her Mom was abusive to her Dad and she hated her Mom for years
• Having been engaged to 3 guys before me which all fell through when the guys wanted to get away from her
• Emotionally abusing one of those guys (screaming at him, etc) just as her Mom did to her Dad
• On and On...
Unfortunately for me I was too naive to even think about asking these questions, let alone connecting the dots between a Mother's relationship with her Father and The Daughters relationship with me. She swore while we were dating she hated her mom and would never be like that. But she has become her mom in our relationship. And I am reaping the painful results of my naivety now.
The funny thing is she thinks all women are like her.
Thanks again for this list - and if by providing this list you can save even just one guy from marrying a woman like my wife then it was worth it."
Monday, 7 December 2009
If Amanda Knox was a man
"But I wonder how differently we would feel if we tried the following experiment: what if it had been a man standing in the dock, declared guilty of sexually assaulting Meredith Kercher, stabbing her to death and abandoning her partly clothed body in a pool of blood?"
The same question may not have been asked by Senator Maria Cantwell on CNN's website.
"The prosecution did not present enough evidence for an impartial jury to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that Ms. Knox was guilty," Sen. Maria Cantwell, a Democrat, said in a written statement. "Italian jurors were not sequestered and were allowed to view highly negative news coverage about Ms. Knox.
"Other flaws in the Italian justice system on display in this case included the harsh treatment of Ms. Knox following her arrest; negligent handling of evidence by investigators; and pending charges of misconduct against one of the prosecutors stemming from another murder trial," Cantwell said.
Would Maria Cantwell be so quick to claim that a foreign countries' judicial system was so flawed if Knox had been a man? Possibly not.I have received countless emails from ordinary American guys who all seem to be saying the same thing - obviously its merely a coincidence - that innocent men are no longer treated fairly by the US Judicial system. Where are the politicians and 'gender' activists who are prepared to stand up for them?
Or is it simply a fact that cute looking women deserve special 'equality'?
He wishes he'd known this 15 years ago.
This is what he wrote
Just finished reading it. I will read it again. The book changed my life. One of the best I have ever read. THANK YOU!!!
You guide the reader throughout the book gently through a process of understanding and describe legal protections (that I had already taken and spent tons of money to learn about) and leave the reader with very constructive questions on how to avoid and/or sort out future relationships.
So, I am left with a sense of a positive future.
My only regret was that I did not read it 15 years ago. I am very indebted to you. I should have also taken the advice of the first (of 3) therapists we saw who told me to leave her (privately, years later after we had stopped seeing her).
So, thank you. I am thinking about organizing some sort of men’s group and would buy a case or two so all men considering divorce can read this as a guiding light.
Sorry I can’t be more articulate now because I loaned my only copy to a close friend going through similar problems.
It took me 6 months to get a copy so it was very very difficult to part with. I know other men I would love to share it with too. Here in the USA, the lawyers and social workers, women’s health and legal care centers and many therapists have a pact to perpetuate marital problems that hurt men. It is a really big industry. An industry I did not want to learn about yet did and feel a need to share what I know (underground). Though your book is not banned in USA it might as well be, given the difficulty in its procurement.
I am even scared to have written what I just have. Eighty nine percent of the findings in family court are decided on behalf of women here!
Your book summarized Borderline Personality Disorder. I got to the line "oh my God" and I was thinking the same thing....omg... I had used the exact same words you used to describe my ex as I had used with my ex: I feel like I am "walking on eggshells" and I never know if I am speaking to "Jekyll or Hyde" many many many times I used those same words to describe my feelings towards her. You gave me a checklist on those two pages and I confidently knew each characteristic you described applied to her. I can’t understand how you chose the same ones. I was up all night after reading that.
A male reader's harrowing experience at the hands of a dangerous woman
My nightmare
I meet a woman at college, and we hit it off, became friends, and later lovers.
Several years into the relationship, she decided that she wanted to go back to college, to get a better career, and begged me to come along with her. So I did. Two months into school her behavior became strange, she would either act like she didn't know me, or would acknowledge, in a shy or uncomfortable way. (And her classmates would give me dirty looks) Things went downhill from there, she spent most of her time with one specific male classmate, the dirty looks from her classmates increased, it got to the point that she wouldn't even acknowledge my existence at school. But outside of school she acted normal, we did all the things we always did, and when I tried to question her about her behavior at school, she would tell me that either she was stressed, or that I was paranoid, so I would write it off as that, because I trusted her.
A few months went by and the situation worsened at school, odd insulting letters started showing up in her school mail box, she would go out of her way to avoid me, the whole time being escorted by 3-4 male members of her class. And outside of school, we spent less and less time together, claiming to be too busy.
The whole situation pinnacled when we went out to bar with her female friend, and her male school friend showed up unannounced (she knew he was
coming) he stayed for a quick beer, then left. This was when I realized what she had done. She used me as a taxicab, so she could go have a beer with her new boyfriend. He worked around the corner from the bar.
After the fight the relationship was almost non existent, she would only see me at her family functions (I guess to maintain the illusion of a relationship with me) While she was secretly seeing her classmate.
After a few months of this, her parents sat me down alone, and told me things that made my hair curl.
1. she cheated her previous boyfriend out of thousands of dollars
2.she was seeing her previous boyfriend when she started her relationship with me.
3.she was a habitual liar
4.she was planning to have me arrested for stalking her (??)
I broke up with her the following day, and I simply asked her, “what happened” to which she replied with a smile on her face “I don't need you for anything, anymore” I will never forget those words.
After this, I started to talk to her classmates and question what she was telling them and I was horrified to discover what she had told them.
She told them:
That I was abusive to her, and that she was afraid of me, and too afraid to end the relationship with me.
(this is the exact same story she told me about her previous boyfriend)
She told them I had followed her back to college, to “keep a eye on her”
(she begged me to go back to school with her)
And she told them I was the one sending her insulting letters (turns out she fabricated them to frame me)
She did all this for a job, the male classmate (boyfriend) was already working in the industry and got her a job at his company. She dumped him right after she got the job, and started dating one of the owners of the company
After being in a state of shock for a year, I pulled myself together, and went on with my life, thinking the whole situation was over.
It wasn't.
After living in the US and Quebec for 10 years I finally moved back home to Toronto. So I decided to look up some old friends, and sent her an email suggesting we get together and have some beers and chat. She called the police.
She told the police that I was abusive, and that she feared for her life, so I was arrested and charged for domestic violence(??)
The legal system considers all men guilty in these situations, and I was forced to join a program called P.A.R.S (partner abuse response) And was forced to pay for it. (the only other option is jail) Thank God the counsellor at the program realized that something was wrong with my situation, and joined up with the police to talk with her mother. (At my
request) Her mother told them what she had told me. After this all charges were dropped.
Basically she used the legal system as a form of legal slander.
She did all this, because she was afraid that I would talk to one of her friends, and that they would find out the truth. She didn't want to be exposed for what she was.
I’m terrified to get into another relationship, my trust in women has been destroyed.
Friday, 4 December 2009
Some bigots wear lipstick.
I put some books out at the back of the room - and men and women swooped on them. They were gone within minutes. The people I spoke to were fascinated.
But with one noticeable exception.
One woman absolutely refused to accept anything I said about what the book was about. She ‘stated’that the book was not ‘helpful’. I am quite forensic when it comes to the use of language. She gave me her opinion quite a lot although she invariably expressed them as if they were ‘facts’.
She went on to say – "Now that I know you’ve written a book like this, it explains why you made ‘4-5 anti-women remarks."’ – implying I must be a misogynist without actually saying so! She went on to say that the women present were cringing at these remarks.
I politely asked her to tell me precisely what I had said.
She couldn’t recall ANY specifics! I’ve learned that in these situations protagonists don’t expect to be challenged. She didn’t like it. But I was very polite at all times. (of course!)
It so happened a female member of the board of directors came up and also showed interest in the book – she took a copy. In front of the woman who complained I asked her what were the ‘4-5 anti-women remarks’ I’d made.
The director couldn’t think of any! Which isn't surprising because I hadn’t!
Then another board director came by and exclaimed when he saw the book – “How Relevant is THIS to me!”. The argumentative woman asked him ‘how’? Then he said something like ‘my wife is having a HUGE problem with a woman like this right now!’ Not quite what the complainer wanted to hear!
Needing to regain the upper hand in the conversation she then dismissively referred to my co-author on the cover of the book and said “So how much did this woman actually write?” (Implying that she was merely a figurehead contributor.)
I said I was the ‘hack’ who did most of the actual writing while Mary is the world expert on the issues relating to male victims of domestic violence and had set up and run a charity for such men in Ireland for 12 years. And how her input to book was considerable.
I had a response for everything she said. But she wasn’t interested. She was only interested in how there are dangerous men in the world too. I said “I agree” that’s why we wrote this book because no one ever talks about this side of the story.
(Funnily enough, dangerous women are also brilliant at changing the subject to deflect attention away from whatever they don’t want to hear - that's what she certainly did.)
But what I found so shocking was -
She was their newly appointed diversity manager!
I predict she will cause a great deal of trouble in that organisation.
Ho hum...
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Spotted, but was it too late?
"I've sued her before."
I got my £45,000 back though (including all legal fees).
Later I was told by a female friend that the dangerous woman in question had 'hooked up' with another 'nice guy'. I urged her to tell the guy not to lend her any money. She came back to me a day later to tell me that it was already too late..... he had. He'd also fallen for the false sob story.
This blog is aimed at helping innocent men and women to spot these and other kinds of dangerous woman.
At no time is this blog 'anti-women' as dangerous women will try to imply.
My book title "That Bitch: Protect Yourself Against Women with Malicious Intent" has been attacked by such women, claiming its disrespectful of ALL women. Not true. As so many women keep telling us. Nice women know its not about them. Because it isn't.